We’ve made the hard decision to end our experiment with Mozilla.social and will shut down the Mastodon instance on December 17, 2024. Thank you for being part of the Mozilla.social community and providing feedback during our closed beta. You can continue to use Mozilla.social until December 17. Before that date, you can download your data here (https://mozilla.social/settings/export), and migrate your account to another instance following these instructions (https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/mozilla-social-faq).
I have a feeling that by the end of the year, Mozilla will be completely enshittificated.
Glad I finally switched to LibreWolf after Firefox got ChatGPT integration and ad-measurement spyware pre-enabled.
Fuck you, Mozilla. You are becoming the very thing you were supposed to be fighting - another greedy corporation.
@SkipfordJ LibreWolf is based on Firefox. Firefox is open source. If Mozilla gets shut down, Firefox will be forked and continue to be developed by the community.
@fox84 @SkipfordJ LibreWolf has always been a joke when it comes to security. It relies on Mozilla for all security fixes (and lags them a bit).
@openbuddha @fox84 What would you recommend?
@SkipfordJ @fox84 I recommend Firefox until such point as it is shut down and then a look at the landscape at that time.
@openbuddha @fox84 That seems outside of the scope of the conversation that's being had. While I appreciate your opinion, I'm looking for alternatives right now.
@SkipfordJ @fox84 There aren't any if you want security and quick responses to zero days and the like. Making a browser is incredibly difficult and involves a real investment in people and resources. It isn't possible to do it on the cheap without cutting corners, which usually means security.
@SkipfordJ @fox84 Though, I guess, if you remove enough features, you reduce attack surface. There aren't a lot of Lynx zero days. :-)
@openbuddha @fox84 I'm super confused. I haven't mentioned zero-days once. I'm looking for a browser that'll be around for the long term and won't enshittify with tech bubble bullshit like AI chatbots and the like. Anything beyond end-user level security is appreciated, but not required.
@SkipfordJ @fox84 Oh, so you don't mind an insecure browser that will remote code execute on your computer or steal your passwords? Ok. Cool. :-)
You can't have a "good" browser that isn't a “secure” browser. Security isn't an afterthought.
@SkipfordJ @fox84 I used to be one of the people triaging Firefox security bugs (for many years), helping determine what was fixed in releases, and the manager of the Fuzzing Security team, which found many of the issues.
You can't have a good browser if it doesn't keep up with security issues. None of the browsers created by a handful of volunteers off of someone else's code are going to be able to do that.
@SkipfordJ @fox84 Also, Mozilla doesn't have an “AI chatbot" as a feature in Firefox…
@openbuddha @fox84 I'm looking at it right now. It's in the Labs section of my Firefox settings.
@SkipfordJ @fox84 I think you're misunderstanding what that "integration" is but you do you.
@SkipfordJ @fox84 Also, unchecked by default even.
@fox84 @SkipfordJ Defaulted to off and it isn't like Mozilla has added actual licensed LLM code into the Firefox codebase, unless I completely missed how they did it.
@fox84 @SkipfordJ Which is possible since I haven't been involved in Firefox for five years now and out of tech for most of two. That said, my understanding is they are basically linking back to the services and providing an interface, off by default.